Who We Are
A Type 01 FFL, SOT 03, Veteran-owned small business located in the White Rock/ Los Alamos New Mexico area. Serving all of Northern New Mexico with a primary focus on firearms and firearm accessories sales. We have agreements with all major firearm manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors and can order virtually any type or style of firearm or firearm accessory.
Our Services
Title 1 Transfers:
We can handle all your standard firearm purchases, whether it be direct from us, over the internet, or from an another out of town/ out of state dealer.
Rifle & Pistol Transaction Fee: $20 per firearm, waived if firearm is purchased direct from us.
NICS Fee: $10 per transaction (covers all firearms purchased/ transferred in a single transaction), waived if firearm is purchased direct from us.
Title II / National Firearm act transfers / "cLASS 3":
Experienced in NFA transfers, we can help you pick out the best silencer for your application or help you secure that rare and exotic machine gun.
NFA Processing fee: $130 per item/ firearm, waived if item/ firearm is purchased direct from us.